
A word from our clients

Client testimonial

Judicial Administrators firm

The partners are directly involved in the cases and that's what makes the difference. At ease in amicable and legal proceedings, they are very operational. The team is used to go to the field, visit the companies to meet the managers, and get the information from the source.

Gaël Couturier

Administrateur Judiciaire


Client testimonial

Tech - Hotel services

"We had the opportunity to meet SO-MG on the recommendation of common partners. We were very fortunate to find an agile, fast and competent team. Their tools are sharp and saved us a lot of time.
In a few days, we were able to benefit from clear and convincing financial forecasts that allowed us to successfully complete our negotiations.
Their reactivity is astonishing and their work amplitude is very large, which is necessary during the closing period. The team is pleasant and smiling, which makes this sometimes tense and arduous work more enjoyable.
It was a first collaboration but it will certainly not be the last."

Michel Lavandier

Founder & President

Client testimonial

Specialized Distribution

After an initial discussion with Sophie, SOMG's teams were able to understand my problem and provide an appropriate response. I appreciated the advice, professionalism, support and follow-up they provided. It is a human-sized firm, with values and availability put at the service of its clients

Guillaume Thomas

President of a retail group

Client testimonial

Investment funds

We call on SO-MG for the analysis of complex cash flow situations in SMEs. During our various collaborations, we have been able to appreciate the qualities of the team: pragmatism, diligence, precision, efficiency and adaptability. "An iron fist in a velvet glove" would perhaps be the best expression to qualify SO-MG's mode of intervention, which perfectly combines rigorous analysis and benevolent exchanges.

Xavier LEPINE & Violaine LAURANS

President & Investment Director

Breizh Rebond

Client testimonial


The collaboration between AJN and SO-MG Partners began more than 3 years ago and has never ceased evolving! Starting with an engagement for the strict purpose of financial analysis, we have progressively developed very close partnership designed to provide our company with tailored management tools for controlling the company’s performance, including the creation of a specific business model for that purpose. The advice provided by Sophie and her teams has helped me work with confidence and pragmatism. Sophie’s business vision is a real source of comfort for decision-taking and for coping with our issues. The dialogue between our in-house teams and those of SO-MG Partners is a fluid one and a great source for learning and ideas. But over and above the advice provided, the attention devoted, the understanding of our environment and the professionalism of the team of SO-MG Partners are a precious source of help!

Diane Clerc

Deputy Managing Director

Ateliers Jean Nouvel

Client testimonial


Sophie, the founding partner of SO-MG Partners, and Touax Group go back a long way and that is what allows her and her teams to obtain a rapid grasp of our complex issues.

We use the techniques applicable to restructuring as a driver for continuous performance improvement, since they are techniques that can help achieve a very high level of performance and that are very easy to apply to our activities and to our organisation.

SO-MG Partners provides us with a pragmatic and technical approach resulting in solutions tailored to our needs.

Thierry S. de La Brélie

Group Financial Director

Touax Group

Client testimonial

Industry & Distribution

We were pleased with our collaboration with the team of SO-MG Partners which succeeded in obtaining a real understanding of our business model and business plan before providing an independent opinion. They engaged in fluid communication with our own financial teams and thereby managed to produce a robust and precise IBR. I can recommend recourse to this firm which is capable of creating value for any company in the process of refinancing.

Managing Director of a leading hygiene products group in France

Client testimonial

Judicial Administrators firm

The initials SO-MG resonate with seriousness and accessibility. They are known for the seriousness of their work first, which is very valuable. The company needs to rely on reliable historical and forecasted figures to convince the company's various partners.
Their accessibility, both from a human point of view, since one has quick access to a quality contact person and in terms of rates, which allows SMEs to benefit from real personalized support.

Joanna Rousselet

Administrateur Judiciaire

Abitbol & Rousselet.

Client testimonial


Cutting-edge support, knowledgeable advice and well-dimensioned recommendations are available from a lot of firms. SO-MG Partners goes still further. The teams led by Sophie Moreau-Garenne provided us unfailing support, were professional, available for our needs and resolutely human in their approach, and succeeded in finding solutions for our issues. Thank you.

Alexandre Billard


Client testimonial

Textile industry

I’ve now been working with Sophie and her teams for more than a year in the framework of the turnaround of Marty SA. In addition to the unfailing technical abilities of her teams, I appreciate in particular the pertinence of her analysis, her unflinching point of view and her valuable advice… the true ingredients of confidence!

Olivier Leduc

Interim Executive Director

Client testimonial

Crisis management

SO-MG Partners is perceived as a key player in the small and midcap restructuring market. Sophie Moreau Garenne has a charismatic personality and a quick understanding of the company. You can count on her reliable analysis and her sound and objective advice. She is highly adaptable and offers personalized and tailor-made support for each client.

Paul-Henri Cecillon

Founding manager


Client testimonial


We had occasion to work with Sophie during the period of observation of our company.
Sophie acted with discernment and provided us with guidance and good advice which helped us during a difficult period. She also shared her contacts with us and helped us meet key interlocutors (notably a factoring broker) in order to free up a certain number of situations.

Céline Perrin

Deputy Managing Director for Finance and Administration


Client testimonial


The hive-off of an activity is a complex operation requiring a technical and pragmatic approach. Meeting deadlines requires rapidly establishing a relationship of confidence with the executive managements of the target company and acquirer. SO-MG Partners’ consultants are experienced and have a hands-on approach which makes for great reactivity and inspires confidence on the part of their client and their client’s teams.

François-Xavier Mauron


Winch Capital, Andera Partners

Client testimonial


3 years of collaboration with Sophie are the basis of my appreciation of her high level of professionalism and entire availability. And those are very precious qualities when you need someone to help you in the context of a complex situation of crisis or urgency. Her business acuity enables her to provide service and veritable insight going far beyond the habitual level of service expected of the profession.

Luis Courtot


ATHARI Restructuration

Client testimonial

Brokerage and consulting group

The strength of the team is to work all together with fluidity and complementarity. Due to its small size, there is real communication within the team. They are extremely reactive and have a real ability to get to grips with issues.

Marc Delerue

Key account manager

AU Group

Client testimonial

Special Affairs – banking

In the framework of my work involving restructuring, I’ve had occasion to use IBRs prepared by SO-MG Partners. Rapidly issued and precise, they have consistently helped me achieve successful outcomes for the financial restructuring engaged.

In addition, the staff of SO-MG Partners provide their clients with step-by-step support and give them precious advice. Their professionalism, their ability to listen, their suggestions and their reactivity make SO-MG Partners a partner of confidence.

Véronique Falconnet

Special Affairs

BNP Paribas

Our client references